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IMPORTANT: New way to login to gmail as usual. Updated 15/12/2022
Update 15/12/2022

I thought I found the work arround for Google,
but Google won't be Google if they couldn't annoy people with their bullshit, 
yet I found another solution for a while. see the video down below.

See the tutorial down below.. 

(PS: Don't forget to turn off the extension after the google login, because the webpages will change to a mobile layout and the bot can't work with that.) (Dissable the switch Enable on this domain. and Pause Switcher)

Update 5/12/2022: 

Hi everyone, 

We have found a new work arround for Google Login.

  • First open the bot browser.
  • Second go to this link: https://accounts.google.com/DisplayUnlockCaptcha
  • it redirects to the gmail login page, now Perform the login to your gmail account.
  • After the login you will redirect to a webpage with a message and a button.
  • Message: Allow access to your Google account As a security precaution, 
    Google may require you to complete this additional step when signing into a new device or application. 

  • To allow access, click the Continue button below.

You have now letting Google know that you Trust our browser and application to login to your gmail accounts.

(You only have to do this 1 time to login to all your gmail accounts, if you try this multiple times you will get blocked by Google.)
still not working for me
(02-18-2021, 04:18 AM)bikerdude Wrote: still not working for me

Did you try all the steps?
not working.
(02-22-2021, 12:51 PM)jordanzyzz97 Wrote: not working.

Same for you did you try all the steps?
i tried all the steps you mentioned but no success. The only thing i got my account disabled
(02-22-2021, 11:08 PM)gmax16 Wrote: i tried all the steps you mentioned but no success. The only thing i got my account disabled
Hmm strange issue, I can check this one more time this evening. This is a new work around so it could be blocked in some country's
Your method works, but I needed to create a new Google account with a new phone number.
not working for me :/
(03-08-2021, 09:22 PM)hamza12235 Wrote: not working for me :/

I doubt that you follow all the steps there are more ways explained in this post. It had to work if you follow the steps carefully.

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