Forum Rules
- Rule number zero - the most important one: anything you download from the internet, may it be from a link on our forum or anything else, should be ran on a virtual machine, sandbox or similar only!
- Have respect for all other people on the forum. Think before you post!
- Look around on the forum before posting a new topic, making sure you are posting in the correct section.
- If you find a post offensive, spammy or similar, use the report button to report the post.
- Advertising on the forum is not allowed unless you have permission from one of our admins.
- Creating useless threads or posts, only to increase your post count will lead to a warning / ban.
- Posting any kind of fraudulent activity is strictly forbidden.
- Posts should be written in a clean manner. You should not use all caps or huge font-types.
- All posts should be written in English only, if your English is not good, use Google translate.
- Any type of nudity or pornographic content is not allowed and may lead to a warning / ban.
- Posting monitization links (i.e adfly and similar) will result in an instant permanent ban.
- Replies to a thread with locked content should not be spammy (e.g dhshgdkjg).
- Users should just have one account, having multiple accounts will result in all accounts being suspended.
- When giving reputation to other users, a valid reason should be specified. Abuse of the reputation system will result in a permanent ban.
- Usage of referral links is allowed, but the original poster MUST state that the link he is posting is a referral link and must also have a link to the original site.
- Begging is not allowed. Give something and for sure you will receive something.
- Offensive or misleading names (e.g. Admin_01) will result in a permanent ban.
- Privacy of other people should be respected, posting of personal information that isn't yours is not allowed.
- Sales and purchases are only allowed in the market area.
- Use the bump button to bump your thread (can be used once an hour).
- Sharing cracked versions of anything that is being sold on the market area is not allowed and will result in a permanent ban.
- The support area and the ticket system should only be used if a user needs any kind of direct support. Abuse of the ticket system will result in a warning.
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