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Dimension Bots Support & Forum Changes
We are now discontinuing our Discord support. All support for our bots & forum will now only be given using our new ticket system in the support area of the forums. You can open a new ticket by clicking here (Requires a forum account).

Further we have migrated from using the PhpBB forum software to the MyBB forum software. No user accounts and posts were migrated, this means that everyone needs to recreate their forum account.

We also added a credit system that rewards forum member for making posts, threads, etc.. With these credits you can then buy subscriptions for our bots and other items (check out the  shop section)!
Donations accepted:
ETH: 0x6E7b0b8f984C432640cEE2CA65145f8C18F226df
PayPal: Click here
Still, I don't have that much experience on forums in general and Discord was easier. but Im willing to learn.
and good luck for you guys ,  supporting anyway  :) :heart:
thanks for bringing all thing in one platform.
I <3 forums!
thanks you
I could not download task list
(06-06-2020, 10:07 AM)AhmedHagar Wrote: I could not download task list
It is also included in the zip file
Donations accepted:
ETH: 0x6E7b0b8f984C432640cEE2CA65145f8C18F226df
PayPal: Click here
Woouuw, Very good pride in being part of this team!
I want to send a reminder whenever I send, it shows me that http://prnt.sc/ttil6c
I paid $ 5 and didn't get the activation data
(08-04-2020, 12:33 AM)nour190 Wrote: I want to send a reminder whenever I send, it shows me that http://prnt.sc/ttil6c
I paid $ 5 and didn't get the activation data

See my pm
Donations accepted:
ETH: 0x6E7b0b8f984C432640cEE2CA65145f8C18F226df
PayPal: Click here

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