An error occured while starting the bot, please submit your error log to the forums.
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Or if you purchased a subscription, the credentials that were sent by email after purchasing
Thank you Bollejef I did that before but it didn't update but thank you, it did this time.
The driver has been updated to support Chrome v121. Please update Chrome (settings - about) and restart the bot, accepting the driver update when asked to.
I start the program as I usually do. Open a client and then the program opens chrome and goes to your site. That's how it usually goes. close the browser and tells me to update. I updated the browser but it still happens. I close the program, reopen and the same happens. I need some help, please.
szeju TikTok requires 1 time manual login, as we currently can't bypass their login captcha
But i can do it directly from their web, so the bot have some kind of error...
"We are doing some maintenence on the Database Server really quick. Be right back!"
Dragonsss For YouTube views no idea, currently not running that. But what error do you get on YLH, cus that is running fine for me?